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Tuesday, July 30th, 2024
From: Mike Matthews

Dear Friend,

No matter how stuck you feel, no matter how bad you think your genetics are, and no matter how many “advanced” diets and workout programs you’ve tried and abandoned . . .

. . . you absolutely, positively can shatter muscle and strength plateaus, set new personal records, and build your best body ever, and you’re about to learn how.

What if I gave you a science-based, doctor-approved formula of eating and exercising that makes adding 15 to 25 pounds of lean muscle while also shedding handfuls of unwanted body fat a breeze . . .

. . . and what if you could see dramatic results in the mirror in just the first 30 days?

What if I showed you how to build your best body ever without starving and depriving yourself, putting in long hours at the gym, or doing grueling workouts that leave you feeling beaten up and burned out?

And what if I promised to be at your side the entire way, helping you overcome obstacles, avoid pitfalls, and discover what you’re truly capable of?

Would you like my help?

If you answered “Yes!” then you’ve taken a leap, not a step, toward the new you—the bigger, leaner, stronger you who loves his body, inside and out.

Your journey begins as soon as you download these free resources, which includes . . .

  • A savable, shareable, printable reference guide with all key takeaways, exercises, checklists, and action items from the bestselling fitness book for men Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger.
  • Links to form demonstration videos for all Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger exercises.
  • 3 months' worth of workouts, neatly laid out and provided in Excel and Google Sheets.
  • Over twenty meal plans for losing fat and gaining muscle with traditional dieting, intermittent fasting, and calorie cycling.
  • A list of my favorite tools for getting and staying motivated and on track inside and outside of the gym.
  • And more.

So, if you’re ready to do workouts you like, eat foods you love, and have the body you really want, download this free bundle of tools, tips, and tactics and now.

Download Now

If you want to use strength training for aesthetics, Mike is your source. Read this book, and read mine too, and come away with what you need to know. The rest will be up to you.

Mark Rippetoe

Author of Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training and Practical Programming for Strength Training

Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger provides effective, practical, and scientifically proven diet and training strategies and techniques for maximizing your body composition.

Ethan Suplee

Host of The American Glutton podcast

This isn’t your typical fitness book full of fluff and pseudoscience. It’s a unique and compelling combination of time-proven diet, exercise, and supplementation strategies and techniques that’ll help you get bigger, leaner, and stronger than ever before.

Ben Greenfield

CEO Kion & New York Times bestselling author of Boundless

Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger is meticulously researched, clearly written, and utterly practical. Matthews has a knack for turning complex ideas into simple actions.

Dr. Spencer Nadolsky

Board-Certified family medicine physician, a diplomate of the American Board of Obesity Medicine, and Legion Advisory Board Member

Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger is the whole package. It’s informative, clear, and practical, and its methods are backed by decades of scientific research and thousands of success stories. A must-read for serious weightlifters.

Mark Divine

Founder of SEALFIT, and New York Times bestselling author of The Way of the SEAL, Unbeatable Mind, and 8 Weeks to SEALFIT