Health is not a black and white issue and nothing is set in stone when it comes to ways to improve your health.

But improving your health doesn’t have to be such a painful process and strict diets are not required in order to do so either.

So take a few minutes and consider these 10 steps.

Ready to dive in? Let’s go!

    Table of Contents


1. Clean it Out

clean it out

First things first, you have to prepare your home for a healthier you, so the first step you should take to improve your health is to clean out your fridge, pantry, and your freezer in order to get rid of foods you don’t plan on eating soon, or that aren’t in line with your health goals.

When it comes to what you should buy, stick to whole foods. This means fruits, veggies, greens, whole grains, legumes (beans, peas, lentils), lean meats, and a few, select treats.

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2. Feel Great With 8

feel great with 8

Getting 8 hours of sleep is so commonly recommended that most of us just let it go in one ear and out the other. But when it comes for one of the best ways to improve your health, getting adequate sleep each night is simply not optional. Your body must have at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night in order to operate at its best.

Some people actually need 8-9 hours in order to feel energetic the next day and function at their best which is no surprise when you consider how big of an effect sleep has on your overall health.

Sleep affects your hormones, digestion, and your weight so aside from your diet, getting enough rest each night should a top goal that you focus on when you’re looking to improve your health.

So if you’re consistently tired all day long or have trouble sleeping, be sure you look into these helpful tips to help you sleep better so you can start getting to bed on time and waking up more refreshed.

3. Balance Your Macros

balance your macros

Macronutrients are carbs, fat, and protein. They are the number one sources of fuel our bodies use to do various tasks to help us operate at our best.

Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals which are also important, but micronutrients are found in all fruits, vegetables, greens, whole grains, nuts, and seeds which make them pretty easy to get enough of if you’re eating whole foods.

Macronutrients, on the other hand, tend to be an issue some people struggle with. An imbalance in your macros can lead to less than optimal health, so be sure you take a look at your diet to balance out your macros.

You don’t have to count your macros or go on a specific macro-friendly diet, but it’s still very helpful to be mindful of what you’re eating. And if you want to be more precise, counting macros can be very helpful.

So the answer is to start with whole foods and then take a closer look at what you’re eating each day.

4. Get Up and Move!

get up and move

Tackle your movement goals first thing in the day within the first hour you wake up. It won’t only help you feel more focused and energetic all day long but it also takes away the “I still have to workout” mentality that nags you the rest of the day when you postpone your activity time.

Set a goal to move for just 30 minutes each morning and do more if you wish.

Think you don’t have enough time? Along with getting that 8 hours of sleep you should be, you can adjust your sleep schedule to allow you an extra 45 minutes each morning to get dressed for your morning activity. You’ll be so glad you did, trust me.

5. Organize Your Life

organize your life

There are multiple resources that you can take advantage of to organize your life in less time, even on the go.

Even just using your Google Calendar can save you a huge amount of hassle each day and take away the “Did I forget to do something else important today?” panicked feeling.

As you become more organized and your life feels more structured, you’ll feel much less stressed and happier. This one change can benefit everything from your weight to your sleep health in the short-term and the long-term.

6. Limit Added Sugars

ditch sugars

For natural sweetness, use real fruit or a natural sweetener with no calories made from plants such as monk fruit or stevia.

Some small amount of added sugar is fine, but make sure you stay mindful of how much you’re consuming. Those calories are easy to overeat and add up quickly.

Check the labels on these to make sure they only contain one ingredient (monk fruit or stevia).

7. Hydrate

drink water

You can enjoy plain water, water with lemon or lime, or drink herbal tea to get enough water each day.

8. Learn to Enjoy Health

learn to enjoy

As you look for ways to improve your health, be sure to enjoy the process. Get excited about trying new healthy, whole foods and explore new cookbooks with the types of eating styles you’re interested in.

The key takeaway is to enjoy the process of becoming healthier, even if you have a few slip-ups from time to time or make a few mistakes. In just 30 days you’ll not only have a better handle on your health but also be happier doing so too!

What’s your take on improving your health? Have anything else you’d like to share? Let me know in the comments below!