As you can imagine, I get (and answer!) a lot of questions via email, social media, comments on blog posts, and so forth, so I thought it would be fun to add another format to the mix: video.

Instead of just picking random questions to answer on video, though, I want to do something cooler: I want to answer the questions that are on a lot of people’s minds.

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Well, thanks to Google Moderator, this is actually pretty easy to do. Here’s how it works:

Using the Google Moderator page embedded below, you’re able to submit a question to me and vote on other questions already submitted by clicking the check mark if you like them and the X if you don’t.

You can also share your questions using the “Share” button, which allows you to copy a direct URL link to your idea, or share your idea directly through Gmail, Facebook, and Twitter.

Then, in a couple of weeks, I’ll go through the most popular questions and start answering them in Q & A videos, which I’ll post to my YouTube channel.

Simple enough!
