It’s been said that the world can never have enough heroes (and heroines!).
You know, the people who give us everything that’s beautiful, good, and real.
That’s never been more true than now, as healthcare workers, soldiers, firefighters, police, supermarket workers, cleaners, truckers, trash collectors, and many others are risking their hides to save lives, distribute vital resources, and sustain our social infrastructure.
They don’t wear capes, but they’re quite literally saving the world.
Every one of us can be a hero, too, and it’s far easier than many people believe.
How? Well, how do heroes behave?
At bottom, they don’t gripe about things that should change or simply “feel bad” for people who need help.
They do something about it.
That’s why from now until we’re over the hump with COVID-19, we’re donating a portion of all profits to the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, which is supporting healthcare workers, quarantined and especially vulnerable individuals, and hygiene promotion activities.
There’s no cap on donations either, so the more we sell, the more we give (and we’ve already donated over $13,000!).
What’s more, we’re also giving health professionals helping combat the pandemic 50% off all of our health and vitality supplements, which can help them stay well and on the front lines.
If that includes you, and you want to take us up on this offer, here’s how:
- Place your order for any number of our health and vitality supplements.
- Reply to the receipt email you receive with some form of evidence showing you’re connected to a hospital, first-response team, or other group that’s actively involved in fighting COVID-19.
For instance, nurses, EMTs, and other medical personnel or volunteers, and people tracing the virus, assisting those affected by it, and participating in other relief efforts would all qualify. - Our customer experience team will confirm receipt of your credentials, and refund 50% of your order.
So, if you feel like doing something a little heroic today, please support us in our mission to not only help reform the sports nutrition industry, but also to give at-risk professionals and everyday people the help we’d appreciate if we were in their shoes.
And if you’re actively working to stem the tide of COVID-19, treat yourself to half off our entire line of health and vitality supplements.
Go for it!
P.S. If you don’t need any supplements at the moment, you can still help by sharing this with friends and family! We’d really appreciate it!