In 3 months of Legion body transformation coaching, Kelly lost 17 pounds, 6 inches off her waist, and lowered her body fat by 12%.

Kelly was no stranger to fitness—she’d gotten into fantastic shape in both 2017 and 2019. But balancing social events and frequent work travel made it hard to stay consistent. That’s when she turned to the Legion body transformation coaching program for help.

Here are her results:

amy k before after

Kelly’s Journey

Kelly knew she could get results on her own, but she recognized that having someone hold her accountable would push her further. That’s why she sought the guidance of a coach.

Her injuries limited her movement and how much weight she could lift, so she needed a plan that allowed her to keep progressing while working around those setbacks.

And when it came to her diet, simplicity was crucial—complicated meals made it harder for her to stay on track.

Her coach designed a training plan that suited her perfectly, modifying exercises like squats and deadlifts that were uncomfortable and focusing on low-impact cardio like walking and rowing instead of running, which was too strenuous.

Her diet was simple yet satisfying. It centered around whole foods like lean proteins, filling carbs, and plenty of vegetables, while still allowing room for the occasional indulgence from Panera or Jersey Mike’s.

She also found her coach to be very supportive. She said “The main benefit from doing the program was the accountability. My confidence in the programming and diet plan allowed me to stay consistent.” Her trust and consistency paid off:

Kelly’s Weight-Loss Progress

Kelly’s Results

During her 3 months of Legion body transformation coaching, Kelly . . .

  • Lost 17 pounds of body fat
  • Slimmed her waist from 31 inches to 26 inches
  • Reduced her body fat percentage from 26% to 19%

If Kelly Can Do It, You Can Too

Kelly’s journey shows how powerful accountability can be in fitness. Even though she already knew the basics, working with a coach gave her the extra push and direction she needed to reach new heights.

With personalized support and guidance, she made more progress in less time than she would have on her own. Kelly’s story is a great reminder that real breakthroughs don’t just come from knowing the fundamentals—they come from having the right support and accountability to drive you toward your best self.

Kelly says “The total body transformation is the most memorable thing about this experience—Legion coaching is the best!”

And Kelly Isn’t The Only One . . .

If you want to transform your body but don’t know how to start, piece everything together, or stay the course, our body transformation coaching is for you. We’ve helped over 4,000 people of all ages and abilities reach their fitness goals and we can do the same for you. 

Schedule a free consultation call using the calendar below.

Our program also comes with a very simple money-back guarantee:

You either love the experience and your results or get back every penny you’ve paid.

That’s how confident we are in our ability to help you lose fat, gain muscle, and get healthy. So, take the first step toward the body you’ve always wanted. Schedule your consultation today.


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