
"I am now lighter, fitter and healthier then I was when I was a teenager!"

Craig's Progress

Progress Image Before
Progress Image 6 Months
Progress Image 10 Months

What has happened so far on the program?

From my heaviest point, I have lost over 30kg – beyond my wildest dreams!  I started with little achievable goals, lose 5kg by . . . then it was be under 100kg by . . . and then it began to get ‘real’ and my goals were potentially life changing, not be in the obese category . . . then to not even be in the overweight category . . . . etc.

I started with a simple dumbbell routine then joined a gym.  I got up the courage to even go into the weights room at the gym – having thought it wasn’t for people like me, I learned it was nothing like I feared – most people were friendly, helpful and encouraging!  My real weightlifting had begun!

I learnt along the way that a goal weight is a little arbitrary and somewhat guesswork.  With the help of accurate body composition scans, I could see I was already at a healthy weight and chasing a hypothetical target wasn’t realistic if I was already healthy, so I switched to body fat % as my guide and to set new goals.

I haven’t stopped still – the program has become part of my lifestyle!  I’m not “on a diet”, I eat well and properly with treats here and there.  I don’t find it hard, it’s just something I do now.

My last scan had me at 15% body fat.  I have maintained my weights program and my reps and weights are still on the rise.  I am now squatting and deadlifting 20kg + more than my bodyweight on my heavy sets and I have no plans on slowing down!  From a couch potato, I have come to love my new physical activity!  I am now lighter, fitter and healthier then I was when I was a teenager! I even did my first ever real unassisted chin up and am now able to do reps and sets of them!  I can keep up with some of my ‘fit’ friends and out run a few.

What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?

I’ve tried lots of programs before, like Jenny Craig etc but it was often because someone else wanted me too or to support others.  This time it was for me!  I had no problems buying the book – it was cheap on my Kindle! Once I read the program it clarified my muddling experimenting with fitness magazines and random supplement store ‘advice’ into something that made sense and I could really work with.  I knew what I was doing and why.

What do you like most about the program?

There was a lot to take in at first, so I started small and added as I grew comfortable or could afford things or felt I was ‘ready’.  I like the simplicity of the weights routines.  I am still following it today!  The warm-up and 4-6 reps principle is easy to follow.  I’m like a lot of people, I work, look after kids etc.  I juggled in gym sessions and involved my kids in my cardio sessions as a family activity.  I am a positive healthy role model for them now and know how to feed them better too!

When I got in the groove, it all just happened.  A year sounds like a looong time but given I was correcting 40+ years of bad habits, a year is nothing.  I was patient, tracked my intake, worked out, moved more and bit by bit saw results week by week.  Instead of looking for excuses to not workout or be active, I find reasons and why I should and look for opportunites to slot a lifting session in.

How does this program compare with others you’ve tried?

I’ve tried programs that feed you, I’ve exercised for the benefit of others.  This program educated me, I owned my intake, made my choices and learnt why I was making them and saw, felt and understood their benefit.

The workouts were easy to follow. No tricky moves designed for people already at their peak. Just moves and workouts that maximize results for the effort I put in.

How has what you’ve achieved with your body changed other areas of your life?

My life has changed completely!  My chronic asthma has all but disappeared.  From XXXL clothes that kept ‘shrinking in the wash’ down to Medium sized clothes I can buy off the rack!  My shirts don’t cling to my belly anymore but are now stretched around my arms and shoulders as my muscles continue to grow.  SELF-CONFIDENCE is up, I’m fitter and my snoring has gone (not that I noticed).

One of the best things is I am inspiring others and teaching them what I have learned and seeing their lives begin to change too!  If I had known then what I know now, my life would have been very different.  I’m not full of regrets, I’m empowered by new possibilities!

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Mike and his team were great!  Approachable and helpful, despite being on the other side of the world!  I can’t thank them enough. What have you got to lose?  What are you gaining by not starting to become the new you too?

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