"No crashes, feeling brain-dead or depressed like I usually do when I diet!"
Dale's Progress
1 Month
2 Months
2 Months
What has happened so far on the program?
The first pic I’m about 15% bf and 190lb, second pic is the fifth week about 12% bf and 176lb, third pic is the eighth week about 10% bf and 169lb.
What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?
Nothing kept me from buying the book as I had read all the good reviews. Before I bought BLS on Kindle I’d hit a plateau for about ten years out of the fourteen I have trained annually bulking (getting fat) and ripping up (losing muscle). I have read all Mike’s books but found BLS and Muscle Myths the most useful.
What do you like most about the program?
Now my workouts are brief and intense 45 minutes to an hour max. I now only do 10 minutes HIIT two or three times per week where as I used to do 45 minutes most days! Fasted training sounded mental for someone trying to gain muscle but I tried it and my body responded to it well after the first couple of days. And because I have trained at home for the past 2 ½ years it suits me doing compound lifts as I only need a barbell and a bench to do most exercises. The diet and training felt comparatively easy to what I used to so I was quite surprised at the dramatic results in such a short time frame.
How does this program compare with others you’ve tried?
I learnt some surprising facts about dieting, can actually eat carbs and still stay lean. I can have a few beers, ice cream and a pudding on the weekend and still continue to lose weight eating clean five days a week. Mike told me about reverse dieting where when my weight loss got stuck I upped my calories after week five and continued to shed fat! I have saved money on supplements that I believed boosted my testosterone and growth hormone. I also realized my macros were out and I needed more dietary fat and slightly more carbs which makes me feel more satisfied and energized. No crashes, feeling brain-dead or depressed like I usually do when I diet.
How has what you’ve achieved with your body changed other areas of your life?
I didn’t think I could get in this shape at 36 years old as I haven’t looked this good for about ten years and thought I was past it and on a downward slope. Mike’s books simplified and clarified all the conflicting information I’ve heard over the years and gave me a new confidence in knowing my body and what works. I’ve always been productive but it feels like less effort now.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
If you feel like giving up like I did, have a word with yourself, assess and address your diet and training. Visualize your goal until it’s almost tangible and then make it happen, the only thing stopping you is yourself.
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To quench our piggish lust for grubby profits in the eternal service of the dread lord Mammon?
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