
"I’m fitter, faster and stronger than I was in my 20s!"

Daryl's Progress

Progress Image Before
Progress Image 3 Months
Progress Image 17 Months
Progress Image 20 Months
Progress Image After

How many months’ progress do your pictures represent? What were your stats for each picture?

Photo 1 – fat belly 25%, body fat, waist 37 inches, weight 159 lbs – 03/2015
Photo 2 – back 21%, body fat, waist 33 inches, weight 146 lbs – 06/2015
Photo 3 – back 9.5%, body fat, waist 29 inches, weight 130 lbs – 11/2016
Photo 4 – back same as photo 4
Photo 5 – front 11%, body fat, waist 29 inches, weight 138 lbs – 07/2018

What has happened so far on the program?

My first bulk started when I hit 9.5% and 130 lbs. I started in November 2016 through to April 2017 adding 14 lbs. I cut from here to August 2017 to 10% body fat and weight of 137 lbs.

Bench press was 56 lbs
Bench press now 155 lbs
Squat was 89 lbs
Squat now 221 lbs
Deadlift was 67 lbs
Deadlift now 265 lbs
Military press was 56 lbs
Military press now 122 lbs

What workout split from the book did you use?

3-day split.

What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?

Nothing was going to stop me from buying the book. I’m the biggest skeptic but your articles just made sense.

What do you like most about the program?

The program is great and flexible which works well for us older folk who have slightly longer recovery times. I never thought I would get the results I got, but it absolutely works and was far easier than I thought too.

How does this program compare with others you’ve tried?

This is the only program I have been on. As far as diet goes I don’t know I’m on one when I’m on one. It becomes routine and it’s simple!

How has what you’ve achieved with your body changed other areas of your life?

I’m definitely more confident and have far more energy. I’m fitter, faster and stronger than I was in my 20s. It makes you feel good when you can look in the mirror and be happy with your reflection.

Who would you recommend this program to and why?

I recommend Bigger Leaner Stronger & Thinner Leaner Stronger to anyone I know and to anyone who asks me the how questions.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

I was out of breath just from a short walk and getting chest pain. If you want a complete transformation get Bigger Leaner Stronger and just start there. This has saved my life and Mike’s no nonsense approach makes it easy to follow. I can’t thank him enough.

Did you use any Legion supplements?

Chocolate Whey+, not a big fan. Vanilla Whey+ much tastier. Recharge is pretty good.

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