
"My confidence is through the roof!"

Donna's Progress

Progress Image Before
Progress Image 6 Months
Progress Image 6 Months

What has happened so far on the program?

I have had a few bad days when my sweet tooth gets the better of me but I just get straight back on it the next day!
It was a bit daunting for me walking into the weights room at the gym as it was just full of men but I love it now and everyone is so nice and not intimidating at all (also quite fun when you notice your lifting more than the GUY next to you).
I am training to compete in UKBFF body fitness and there are a few others from the gym going too so it’s great to be around others with the same passion.

What do you like most about the program?

The best thing about the program is seeing my body change week after week in ways I didn’t think possible.

What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?

Nothing stopped me from buying the book, I couldn’t put it down once I received it and actually read it a few times just so everything sank in properly.

What are three other benefits of the program?

1. My confidence is through the roof and I’m loving life sooooo much right now.
2. My skin and hair are also benefiting from the clean eating.
3. Realizing I have total control over my body and with good self discipline you can achieve anything.

Would you recommend this program? If so, why?

I would encourage anyone out there to start eating clean and lifting weights. My only regret is that I didn’t start doing it sooner. Mikes book BLS is the great start to your new journey!

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