
"I have a new lifestyle and a brand new outlook on life."

Francis's Progress

Progress Image Before
Progress Image 3 Months

What has happened so far on the program?

My strength increase was pretty drastic at first but then slowed down and is currently on a stand-still. Now that I am confident in my ability to cut to a size I FINALLY enjoy, I decided to start bulking so make my numbers start climbing again.

What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?

I have tried COUNTLESS programs from juice cleanses, to low-carb dieting, to dangerously low calorie intake diets. I just thought this book would just be another failure for me. I ended up blaming my genetics all the time saying, “well my brothers are runners, and even they don’t have six packs, maybe I just can’t ever have visible abs,” and I truly believed that.

What do you like most about the program?

I like the program so much because of how basic it is. There are no “you need this pill” or “eat ONLY this food” it let me choose what to eat while giving me the EXACT lifts I needed to do to see progress. It took a solid month before I really saw the progress, but when I did notice it, it was a significant change and my confidence and happiness sky rocketed.

How does this program compare with others you’ve tried?

Honestly, nothing can compare to this program. I am so proud of myself for sticking with it and seeing the progress I made inspires me daily. There is no other program that I have tried that made me happy and satisfied on a day to day basis, I was either miserable from the lack of results, or miserable from the hunger pains. I have recommended this program to every single person I talk to about fitness; I would not have the confidence I have today without it.

How has what you’ve achieved with your body changed other areas of your life?

I am a member of the United States Navy and with this program, I feel like I can walk taller and way more proud in my uniform because now I feel like I can lead from the front. I always was an athlete and was in shape but I never had the aesthetics of someone who was in shape. Now I feel like I can set an example and that’s something that makes me incredibly proud. I have also found a new confidence in myself that I never thought would happen. I was always upset with how I looked and it ate at me daily, but now with the new found confidence. I have a new lifestyle and a brand new outlook on life.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Do this program; it has the ability to change your entire life from your looks to your hobbies to a new found confidence that is priceless. My only tip is to really stick with it. Don’t cheat yourself and you will be satisfied with this program, guaranteed. As a member of the military, we have early mornings and long work days, but I woke up even earlier just to get my workout in, don’t make excuses and again, you WILL be satisfied. Mike answered EVERY email I sent him and gave me encouragement and advice in each one and I loved that.

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