"I have way more confidence and I know that I can achieve things I never thought possible."
How many months’ progress do your pictures represent? What were your stats for each picture?
12 months progress.
Start 143 pounds and 28% body fat.
End 120 pounds and 19% body fat.
What has happened so far on the program?
I was still breastfeeding at the beginning so I started the program in a season of eating a bit higher than maintenance for calories. I knew I was going to need those extra calories for nursing but still wanted to drop a few pounds safely/slowly. After nine months of that (and finishing nursing) I really noticed my body changing, losing some fat, but really building muscle.
It was slow and steady. For this final 2.5 or 3 months, I’ve jumped into a period of cutting, sitting at 1500 calories. I have been really serious about my calories/macros & have noticed body fat really dropping and muscle definition increasing.
My lifts have progressed steadily throughout this year, particularly my squats and deadlifts. Lower body is my strong point for sure. I’ve never done any type of weight program before, so likely underestimated what I was able to lift at the beginning. I started squatting only 55 pounds and deadlifting around 70 pounds. At first, I could only bench press the bar.
By the end of this year, I can now squat 185 pounds, deadlift 200 (for at least a couple reps), and my bench has increased to 80 pounds. Plus, I can whip out a bunch of chin-ups now, which I never thought would be possible and was kind of a secret little goal I had!
I love to throw in some high-intensity workouts too, such as skipping, box jumps as well as running a couple times a week for my heart health/sanity.
Overall I have lost 23 pounds and dropped a lot of body fat. I am most proud of the fact that I am now stronger and fitter than I’ve ever been in my life and turn 40 this year! I seriously love weightlifting and fitness now, and share it with anybody I can, because I know it works
What workout split from the book did you use?
I started on the 3-day split, but with our home gym found I was getting out there more frequently, so often divided up days into 5, or added in some high-intensity workouts and runs.
What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?
As with anything new, it can feel overwhelming to begin. Tracking macros and lifting heavy for women seems like a lot of work and I had those fears too—“can I do this?”, “will I get too muscly?” etc. Honestly, knowledge and understanding make everything better. After reading the book and growing in my knowledge, it was just a case of sticking with it and working to understand things.
At that point, I really began to build my confidence and saw that it was totally doable, even as a busy mom. Now it’s almost just second nature, and I can’t believe the results it has achieved. No going back for me at this point from weightlifting.
What do you like most about the program?
Watching my husband track his calories and lift heavy it seemed like something I would never be able to do. But once you get rolling, and educate yourself, then it’s just a case of keeping on, and now I’m amazed with the knowledge and strength I’ve gained in a short amount of time. This program has not only drastically changed my physical body but also my mentality.
I believe in myself, know that I can achieve whatever fitness goals I set and am so much stronger than I thought possible (deadlift—205 pounds just this week!). I have loved setting each new goal and competing with myself alone throughout this process—and can’t wait to take this fitness lifestyle to a new level.
How does this program compare with others you’ve tried?
I’ve never really dieted before—it always seemed so restrictive and that it wasn’t sustainable long term. The thing with macros and tracking like this is that you can really eat any foods, you just need to understand how it will affect your fitness goals/day-to-day. I have had sporadic seasons of life where I was going to the gym but was always overwhelmed by all the machines.
With how little I knew about weights, I would never have gone near the squat rack—too intimidating. I would spend most of my time on a treadmill (hating it to be honest) and never saw any real progression with my body changing or developing muscle the way I wanted. I just assumed I wasn’t one of “those lucky girls”.
Now I see and understand that I just didn’t have the correct information to achieve what I wanted. I now know my way around all the free weights and equipment I need as well as how to eat right to optimize building the body/muscle I’ve always wanted.
How has what you’ve achieved with your body changed other areas of your life?
I feel like this program has changed me physically, but almost more so mentally. I have way more confidence, and I know that I can achieve things I never thought possible. Now when I see a challenge in front of me that I want to tackle, I just do it, without hesitation, because I’ve seen myself knock goals I set with this program out of the park.
I’m much more disciplined and seeing results pushes me to show up every day and just make it happen—whether I feel like it or not. It truly has been a remarkable experience for me, and I can’t say enough good things about it. I’m in better shape now, stronger and healthier than I’ve ever been, and the best part is I have so much more energy for my day-to-day life and playing with my kids
Who would you recommend this program to and why?
My husband and I are constantly recommending this program to our friends and people that we know. The beautiful part is, you can see the results so it’s an easy sell. We have had quite a few friends join us in our journey along the way, and are just really proud of the fact that this is now part of our life!
I think if your goal is to be your best self, then this is the program for you. It will give you the knowledge and information you need to achieve your fitness goals, and along the way, it will change your mindset too.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
If you’re on the fence, just go for. I turn 40 at the end of this year, I’m a mom to three little kids under six and this has been the only thing that’s worked for me. It really is a game-changer, no gimmicks, just good quality information and guidance to get you to where you want to be. It’ll be hard work, but it’s so worth it and I’ve had a lot of fun along the way! I’m hooked and you will be too.
Did you use any Legion supplements?