
"My strength skyrocketed as soon as I started!"

Justin's Progress

Progress Image Before
Progress Image 16 Months

What has happened so far on the program?

When I first started Bigger Leaner Stronger, I weighed in around 180 pounds and 19% body fat. I have gone through 2 cut and 2 bulk cycles over these last 16 months, and now weigh in at 175 pounds and 9% body fat.

This was the fun part about Bigger Leaner Stronger. My strength skyrocketed as soon as I started. I have continued progressing each and every week, and I hope to continue on with Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger.

What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?

Absolutely nothing kept me from buying the book or starting the program.  I had been on another program for about 5 months and was seeing minimal gains and spending 1.5-2+ hours in the gym 6 days a week.  I was doing a lot of machine exercises, drop sets, super sets, you name it.

I knew something had to change or I was going to get frustrated and stop completely.  I read all the reviews from Mike’s followers and decided I wanted to give it a try.  I haven’t looked back since.

What do you like most about the program?

I like the fact that the program is easy to follow, you don’t have to spend hours in the gym every day, and the fact that you start seeing visible gains almost immediately.  I was extremely surprised how easy it was to follow, and how fast the results came.

How does this program compare with others you’ve tried?

The program blows all the other programs I’ve tried out of the water. It’s a very simple concept, and works for everyone. All the other programs I’ve tried always tried to complicate everything right away by changing exercises every week, changing reps every week, super sets, drop sets, etc.

I thought the diet was easy to follow. I pretty much eat the same foods regardless if I am bulking or cutting (It usually just takes more or less of something to make it work). I love the fact that I can still cheat once a week and also eat the foods I like, and see amazing gains and growth from it.

How has what you’ve achieved with your body changed other areas of your life?

I have a lot more confidence in myself at work and my personal life.  I feel as though this program has pushed me to always strive to be better in anything I do.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

If you are having any doubts about purchasing this book, please don’t.  This book has changed my life and I know it can change yours too.  I look forward to waking up every day and seeing what else I can accomplish.  Consistency is key to anything, and I promise you if you stick to this program, you can accomplish anything you want.

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