
"I have lost over 30 kg, 40 inches and gained muscle definition!"

Lisa's Progress

Progress Image Before
Progress Image 6 Months

What has happened so far on the program?

I have lost over 30 kg, 40 inches and gained muscle definition. I feel more energized, happier and healthier. My skin is glowing, my anxiety and stress levels are pretty much non-existent and I look forward to each day. I am completely in control of my appetite and cravings, and nutrition makes perfect sense thanks to the explanations throughout the program. I have seen a steady increase in fitness – when I started I couldn’t jog for more than a few meters without reaching over 195 bpm on my heart rate monitor. I started working on my fitness using a cross trainer on minimal resistance and 3.5kg/5kg weights. I adapted some of the exercises to similar ones using the equipment available to me. I now use a variety of weights but my biggest achievement is being able to squat with 30kg! I love how strong I feel. I now combine weights with some cardio. I have also not been afraid to leave the house to go for a run. I am 5 weeks through a C25K program and have just finished my first 3.2km non-stop run. That to me is HUGE.

What do you like most about the program?

I love the whole program. The simplicity and logical explanations, debunking myths of the weight loss industry and the motivation it gives me to do it ON MY OWN. No expensive trainers, diet programs or gym memberships. I have purchased a few items that I use regularly at home so I feel more motivated to just get up and head into my garage (MY gym). I also love that advice is just an email or tweet away – no pricey meetings to pay for and no pressure to use scales to weigh in every week.

What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?

Nothing would have stopped me from starting the program. I had already followed a 9 day detox program and I was determined to carry on improving my health and fitness. I had reached rock bottom and felt utterly depressed and miserable with my weight, lack of fitness and feeling tired all the time. I had to do something for me which wasn’t a “quick fix” or a “diet” but a new lifestyle choice for long term results. I despise the diet industry and their claims and misinformation so I looked for something that was different.

What are three other benefits of the program?

Motivation – accessible and positive help and advice is just a click away.

Advice – sound advice, no BS.

Life Changing – with the program I made changes. Changes for life, not just for a few weeks and I feel better prepared for a life long healthy lifestyle than I have on any other program.

Would you recommend this program? If so, why?

I definitely would, and I have. If you are truly ready to embrace a stronger, leaner, fitter future based on science and not myths lining the pockets of the diet industry then delay no more. This program has changed my life, my thinking and my entire wardrobe!

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