
"I have found new strength both physically and mentally!"

Shantele's Progress

Progress Image Before
Progress Image 6 Months
Progress Image 7 Months
Progress Image 7 Months

What has happened so far on the program?

I’m currently weighing 105 lbs and my starting weight was 85 lbs. I started Jan 2014 so it’s been 7 months so far on the program. My body fat is currently 10.1%, I gained all lean muscle on the program.

Currently training 5 days a week heavy lifting and one 20 mins HIIT session a week. I’m hitting new PRs all the time. I started doing my own research into fitness and nutrition as I wanted so desperately to gain weight but I also wanted to become strong and give my body some shape.

I found your book which give me the basics to start my training and my nutrition plan, I practically read all of your articles on your website and was able to teach myself and put the skills and nutrition into practice.  I’d never lifted a weight in my life up until 7 months ago.  I was a runner, cardio bunny! I was skinny and hated it. I realised I was eating way to little so also decided to reverse diet.

I started at 600 cals a day (something I’m not proud of) but I’ve managed to up this intake over a period of time to 2100 cals a day and my carb intake has more than doubled. I have found new strength both physically and mentally. Your book has given me literally a new lease on life. I literally followed your plan step for step, word for word, until I was brave enough to adapt my training and try new things. I’m still learning but with your help I have been able to start changing my life for the better.

What do you like most about the program?

I like many things about this program, but the thing I probably like the most is how easy it is to commit to it. The workouts are not long and drawn out, and the diet is not dramatically restricted and impossible to follow. This program is very simple and easy to follow. I have had no problems adjusting to the diet change or the workout schedule/routine. In fact, I prefer it and now look forward to my workouts and I look forward to my meals.

What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?

I was apprehensive to buy the book as I was skeptical about weightlifting. I was a runner, hence being so small. I’ve made incredible progress and highly recommended the program.

What are three other benefits of the program?

The benefits of the program are quite simple. It gives you flexibility to adapt the training and nutrition to your lifestyle, it gives the ability to progress, you can customize the information to your intended goals.

For me it gave knowledge, knowledge to understand better, understand the benefits of lifting weights and why the correct nutrition is important. Being a full time mum to 3 children I have not be able to afford a personal trainer or coach so this book and you have helped me a lot through the process.

I have been able to compete as a bodybuilder in bikini category taking 3rd place out of 28 girls. I am so proud of my achievements so far. For me this is a new lifestyle, not some fad diet or phase. Your book has taught me that I don’t need to run for endless hour’s on the treadmill, that I can lead a balanced life between fitness and living.

Would you recommend this program? If so, why?

I’ve recommended your program to just about everyone every one know!

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