
"I lost 24 lbs in 90 days!"

Emmett's Progress

Progress Image Before
Progress Image 3 Months

What has happened so far on the program?

My whole approach to food has changed completely. I don’t miss the junk food or sweets that I used to eat constantly. Friends, family and coworkers are constantly asking, “Hey what did you do?” or, “How did you get so lean so fast?” That is probably the best feeling you can get when other people are amazed and want to discuss heath and fitness.

I lifted pretty heavy weight for several years before finding Bigger Leaner Stronger but I did notice strength gains on a couple lifts. The lifts that I had neglected in years past I have begun working on so those have steadily increased.

Incline Bench Press: 225 to 265 1RM
Deadlift: 0 to 315 1RM
Squat Start: 275 to 315 1RM
Dumbbell Flat Bench Press: 100-110 for 6-8 reps to 115-125 for 4-6 reps
Military Press Start 185 for 4-6 to 225 for 3-4 reps

What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?

I thought it would be difficult because every time I have tried a diet plan in the past I would over eat during a weekend or a holiday.. destroying whatever progress I had made. But counting macros and using Flexible Dieting became almost like a game to me and I began to enjoy the process after only a few weeks. 90 days has flown by and the BLS program made that possible.

What do you like most about the program?

The approach to dieting was the biggest change for me and I really enjoy it. When I started I thought it would be much more difficult than it was and the weight began to drop quickly. By the end of the first month I began to see a lot of changes in the mirror and that helped keep me motivated.

The biggest surprise was the support I received from Mike on Twitter… if I had a question he always answered in 24-48 hours and really helped me stay on track making solid progress. Good luck finding another program that has that kind of accessibility that you don’t have to pay $200 a month for…

I hit my weight loss goal and my target body fat percentage. However my results are incomplete… once I dropped the weight and took my 90 day photos I had mixed feelings because I could see that I had made great progress but I have several areas that I really need to work on.

I have neglected these areas over the past couple years (before finding BLS) mainly abs, shoulders and legs. This is not entirely a bad thing because now I am just as motived to start my first bulk as I was when I began seeing progress during my cut.

How does this program compare with others you’ve tried?

I have tried P90X, Low Carb, and just the usual “eating better” type stuff and none of them lasted more than 4 weeks.

This is hands down the best program that I have tried or come across. The workouts changed my whole approach to lifting and did away with all of the broscience tips I have received over the years.

I have friends that tell me what their routines are now and I quickly tell them to grab a couple of BLS… I just wish I had found the program 5 years ago and I would not feel like I had wasted all that time.

How has what you’ve achieved with your body changed other areas of your life?

I am much more confident in my physique. I was always disappointed with my body in the past because I knew that I could lift heavy weight but at 18-22% body fat the muscle that I did have was completely covered. I have no problem going to the beach now.

I have more energy to keep up with my 5 year old son Jaxson and am looking forward to having my daughter Charlee Grace arrive in 3 months.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

The key is to commit mentally to the program. When you pick up that dessert think to yourself, “What am I really getting out of this?” “10 seconds of joy and a physique that I’m unhappy with.” Before long you will not miss the junk food.

During my cut I had to a vacation, a wedding, Memorial day, Fourth of July, and several weeks traveling for work. I would not have reached my goals if it weren’t for BLS.

Once you press through the first two weeks and change your habits the program will feel natural and fun. I currently have 4 people starting BLS after seeing my results and they have lost the weights below in the first 3-4 weeks of downloading the book.

1. Male 32 -10lbs
2. Female 33 -8lbs
3. Male 38 -12lbs
4. Male 29 – 11lbs

My wife plans to start Thinner Leaner Stronger after she has our daughter.

Muscle for Life, Legion Athletics, BLS are amazing. You guys have changed my life and I will be a life long customer! Thanks to Mike and the entire staff!

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