
"I lost 40 pounds and 7 inches off my waist."

Iain's Progress

Progress Image Before
Progress Image 10 Months

What has happened so far on the program?

10 months difference, first picture is January 2015 and second picture is beginning of November 2015. First picture my bodyweight is 220 lbs. Second picture my bodyweight is 180 lbs.

I lost 40 lbs of bodyfat (maybe more as my strength has gone up considerably in my arms and shoulders despite being on a calorie deficit). I lost seven inches off of my waist.

I maintained my overall strength in the big three lifts and made pretty decent improvements in my shoulders, arms and calves despite the fact that I was actually focusing more on compound lifts as opposed to isolation exercises.

What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?

It seemed too simple at first, a lot of programs prescribe really high training volumes and really bland diets. Bigger Leaner Stronger recommends a more realistic program for people with lives outside of the gym.

Initially you feel that to get a great physique you need to be obsessed with the gym and diet like the muscle magazines suggest but this really isn’t the case.

What do you like most about the program?

Most of all I like having my life back! I have two kids, a full time job, a girlfriend and other hobbies in my life. BLS taught me that I don’t need to be in the gym more than an hour per day or more than five days a week.

I don’t need to eat Tuna and brown rice every 3 hours and I don’t need to sacrifice my life to have a good body. I now look forward to training and I enjoy eating plenty of nutritious foods around my schedule, I also enjoy cookies and pizza at least once a week.

I get stronger consistently week after week and training adds to the quality of my life rather than deprives me.

How does this program compare with others you’ve tried?

The diet isn’t really a diet, it is sensible advice on little daily disciplines that make all the difference. I’ve implemented the guidance in my life for over year now and I never feel like I’m on a weird diet.

I don’t get stressed if I go more than three hours without food and I look forward to eating in restaurants and getting takeaways as a treat on a weekly basis. Life is too short never to eat a Big Mac again!

How has what you’ve achieved with your body changed other areas of your life?

My confidence has grown, I feel energetic and can play with my kids when I get home from a full days work. I don’t have big ups and downs throughout the day, I sleep well and generally function better thanks to healthy diet and regular exercise.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

I recommend this program to anyone who wants to improve their physique and lifestyle.

If you want to be a cover model with 5% bodyfat you can do it using BLS as your guide. If you just want to lose a few pounds or get bigger shoulders and look good in a t-shirt whilst still enjoying your lifestyle you can do that too, it’s just well-balanced sound advice.

Give it a try wholeheartedly, you will see results if you apply yourself, whether you weigh 300 lbs or 120 lbs, just get started and keep going.

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