
"I have lost almost 20 pounds and 9% body fat and my max weights are up significantly in all areas."

Jay's Progress

Progress Image Before
Progress Image 3 Months
Progress Image 5 Months

What has happened so far on the program?

I have basically been cutting and have lost almost 20 pounds and 9% body fat.  I think the compound lifting helped tremendously. My max weights are up significantly in all areas.  I am anxious to see my results as I begin the bulking phase.

What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?

Nothing kept me from buying the book.  I didn’t know anything about Bigger Leaner Stronger when I saw it on Amazon and downloaded a preview. From there I was hooked.  It looked much more simple yet defined and understandable than anything I had tried before.

Other programs have you in the gym for many more hours with no real defined goals – just a bunch of trendy workouts.  It is very apparent that Mike really wants you to succeed and that went a long way with me.

What do you like most about the program?

The program is very simple to follow.  I was very impressed with the research that Mike does whether it is on the nutritional or weightlifting side. I have spent a lot less time in the weight room and less time with cardio.  With that said, the time I do spend is much more productive and has showed results that I had previously not seen.

How does this program compare with others you’ve tried?

Mike was spot on in explaining workouts that don’t work.  That was basically me.  I was putting in a lot of work with no results.  I was not sure whether to go light and high reps, heavy with low reps or somewhere in between.   Everything I thought I was doing right, wasn’t right.  I was spending far too much time with no results thinking, “That’s just my makeup, I don’t have the genes to make dramatic improvements,” or, “Perhaps I’m too old.”

I kept trying various workouts and never had a solid plan. Once I was fully committed to Mike’s philosophy on diet, working out, and cardio I started seeing improvements immediately.

How has what you’ve achieved with your body changed other areas of your life?

It’s uncomfortable for me to say but I do feel more confident. I also have more energy and need less sleep.  My blood sugar is also down into normal ranges.  It’s like night and day.  I don’t drag myself to the gym, I go there with a purpose and enjoy working out. I have a defined plan and goals.

I don’t guess at meals anymore – if I don’t know everything about the food that’s in front of me I don’t eat it.  While I still get to enjoy many different foods I know my limitations. I know what macro nutrients I need to stay on course.  I basically have a plan.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

At 53 I didn’t know what to expect as far as results. At 54 I am in the best shape of my life.  I am actually still fairly new to the program so I am expecting more as I begin the bulk phase.

Be fully committed in all areas: diet, weightlifting and cardio.  Although Mike provides and resources to an extensive amount of information and research (basically proof), his plan is really quite simple to follow – you just have to follow it.

Get a food scale and weigh your food, know exactly what you are eating.  Don’t be afraid to document your progress – it is essential to make gains.

Refer to his books frequently, take advantage of his website, subscribe to his emails, and watch his podcasts. Mike’s program is like none other.

I am not where I want to be (yet) but I am much further along than I ever thought was possible.  It is never too late to start.

Finally, let other people know what you are doing.  It will help motivate you and give you encouragement.  I persuaded my wife to start Mike’s program and she looks and feels fantastic!

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