
"I have been cutting for about 3 months now and I have lost 15 pounds!"

Julian's Progress

Progress Image Before
Progress Image 3 Months

What has happened so far on the program?

I am 6 foot 5 and was around 220, 15% body fat in the before photo, I am now 205 pounds and 10% body fat. I have been cutting for about 3 months now and I have lost 15 pounds.

I think this can be credited to simply counting calories and following a macronutrient plan outlined in Bigger Leaner Stronger. Even though I am in a caloric deficit (cutting) my lifts are increasing across the board. I have added 20 pounds to all of my big lifts over this time.

What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?

I wasn’t sure if the program would work for me. When I read that the optimal range of reps was 4 – 6 and the amount of exercises per muscle group was 3 – 4 I was a little skeptical. I didn’t think that this little work would be enough to build muscle.

As I continued reading the book I liked how Mike focused much more on science to back up his opinions rather than just use bro science. Hearing how different studies had proven results made me much more confident in the BLS program and giving it a go.

What do you like most about the program?

I like the simplicity of the plan. I like that you don’t have to put in hours upon hours in the gym to see results. The 4 – 6 rep range is ideal for me because it is intense and enjoyable. You can get a great work out without counting to painfully high numbers such as 20 – 30.

I am seeing results far quicker than some people in my gym who spend much more time there.

How does this program compare with others you’ve tried?

This was the first diet I have tried and it worked amazingly. I don’t think I will be trying a different diet as I hit my goals of losing 15 pounds and getting to 205 pounds.

As far as the workouts, I enjoyed them much more because they were shorter. I am the kind of person who doesn’t like to spend a long time in the gym. With these workouts, I got them done quickly and felt like I hadn’t spent too much energy so I wouldn’t be tired for the rest of the day.

How has what you’ve achieved with your body changed other areas of your life?

I definitely have more energy because I’m not wasting it on useless time and extra reps in the gym. I am also much more educated on nutrition now after reading BLS, I can make informed decisions about whether I should eat food and how much, whereas before there was a lot of grey area surrounding how much can I eat to not gain weight.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

This book taught me a lot about the nutrition that I needed. I am a nutrition newby and didn’t have an understanding on what it took to lose weight. I thought that just by eating “healthy” foods and not eating fat you would lose weight. However, now I know this isn’t the case.

I know how to manage my macronutrients so that I am in a caloric deficit and this is ultimately what it takes to lose fat. I’d like to thank Mike Mathews for always answering reader’s questions and giving guidance to those who need it!

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