
"I lost almost 40 lbs and almost have a full six-pack for the first time in my life at 37 years old."

Mike's Progress

Progress Image Before
Progress Image 14 Months

What has happened so far on the program?

Before 6’6 inches tall 237 lbs 25% bodyfat.
After 6’6 inches tall 195 lbs 10% bodyfat.

I lost almost 40 lbs and almost have a full six-pack for the first time in my life at 37 years old.  My strength has improved but since I have been cutting for most of the program my results are more in how my cloths fit.


What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?

My father worked as a trainer.  So I have been in and out of gyms my entire life.  I have read articles and tried diets and routines and never made any real progress until Muscle for life.

It was the number 1 rated book on for fitness so I figured I would check it out.  This book is like the Holy Grail of fitness.  It truly changed my life.

Everything from an easy short routine for maximum results to explaining an effective diet for extraordinary results in one place.  I cannot speak highly enough about the system.

What do you like most about the program?

I like most that it is easy and fun.  Every 8 weeks I take some time off and it just works!!!

How does this program compare with others you’ve tried?

There are 3 of us doing the workout together. Two of us followed the routine and the diet and one of just did the workouts.  The results were dramatic.

We all got stronger but the one who did not follow the diet looks almost the same as when we started.  The two of us who followed both the diet and the routine lost 30 plus pounds each and look amazing.  Based on this experiment.  Diet is 95% of the results.

How has what you’ve achieved with your body changed other areas of your life?

I am more confident and have more energy. I am more productive and healthier than I have ever been as well.  My cholesterol and blood pressure are perfect now.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

The pictures speak volumes but if anyone is debating about giving it a try, I promise you if you follow the book you will be blown away by the results.

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