
"I have never truly been this healthy in my life. I feel strong and sexy and finally have the confidence I have always wanted."

Shay's Progress

Progress Image Before
Progress Image 6 Months

What has happened so far on the program?

I am 25 yrs old and using Thinner Leaner StrongerI cut for 6 months and lost a total of 35 pounds! My progress pictures from before to after is about 6 months.

At my starting point I was 160 pounds and I’m not sure what my body fat percentage was then, probably around 25%-28%.

Currently I am ranging between 120 pounds and 125 pounds and my body fat percentage is now approximately 16%. And I am now currently reverse-dieting to reach maintenance macros.

What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?

I was hesitant to buy Thinner Leaner Stronger because counting macros sounded way too hard. I had just been counting calories and that was hard enough.

Finally I had had enough and bought the book and started tracking right away and at that point my progress sky-rocketed.

What do you like most about the program?

I have lifted for many years now so I was scared to lose muscle but even while I was cutting I was actually able to maintain my 185 pounds squat and recently even hit a PR of 205 pounds squat.

How does this program compare with others you’ve tried?

I felt like I had tried just about every diet out there. Low carb, low fat, carb cycling, diet pills, fat burners, you name it and I’ve tried it.

I thought counting your macros was only what bodybuilders did and I thought that consisted of the same chicken and broccoli every day for every meal.

I was happily surprised to find out how much freedom you have with it. I can still eat the things I love as long as I fit it in my macros.

Even in my cutting phase, I felt like I was eating more food than ever before because I was actually fueling my body with enough protein and a healthy amount of carbs and fats.

I now LOVE counting my macros and don’t plan on ever stopping!

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

I have never truly been this healthy in my life. I feel strong and sexy and finally have the confidence I have always wanted.

I get asked all the time what I’m doing to have lost so much weight and I tell them Thinner Leaner Stronger baby!

If I can do it anyone can do it! Thank you for helping me achieve something I never thought was possible!!

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