My team and I get asked fairly often about what’s going on over here at Legion HQ, so I thought I’d start posting monthly updates for all y’all Legionnaires out there. 

If you like these posts or have any ideas or suggestions about how I can make them better, please do let me know!

So, here’s the latest and greatest here at Legion as of today, August 11th:

New Products

Things are progressing swimmingly on this front, with the nootropic slated for a November or December release, and the stimulant-free pre-workout, intraworkout, and protein bars working their way through sampling.

We’ve also been getting a lot of requests for a simple, clean casein protein, so we’ve started sourcing for that as well. (The farms that produce our outstanding whey also produce micellar casein, so we’re excited to see how it compares to American powders.)

Backup Manufacturer

If your business involves any sort of manufacturing, here’s a protip:

Make sure you have a backup manufacturer (or two), and split your business between them.

Don’t put all of your manufacturing eggs in one basket, because if something goes awry, you might find yourself without product to sell.

Fortunately for us, we have a great relationship with our manufacturer, but we also have a lot of Legionnaires to keep in product, so we can’t risk a breakdown in supply. 😉

Hence, we’re bringing our first backup manufacturer online, which means +1 to peace of mind here at Legion HQ.

Amazon UK

Slowly but surely our products are going up on Amazon UK, which is super exciting news for all of y’all on the other side of the pond!

Currently, Pulse, Triumph, Fortify, and Recharge are live, and everything else is moving toward fulfillable.

Click here to view our products on Amazon UK.

(That Whey+ isn’t us, by the way, it’s a third-party seller trying to rip people off–we’re working to get it removed.) just placed their first purchase order, which is leaving our warehouse this week! Look for Legion to go live with them later this month!


GNC reached out to us last month because they get thousands of website searches for our products every month and want to start carrying our line!

Great success! 🙂

Muscle for Life Podcast

I’m seriously stepping up my podcast game to three episodes per week, and I’d love to hear what you think of the new format!

Click here to check it out.

Stacked Is Officially Launched

I don’t know about you, but I think that most workout apps are more hassle than help.

They’re ugly, unwieldy, and unintuitive, and, unfortunately, inferior to a Google Spreadsheet, notepad app, or simple pen and paper.

That’s why I created my own, which you can download right now for free here.

In short, I wanted to create a workout app actually worth using, and whether you’re a beginner or an experienced weightlifter, Stacked will help you better plan and do your workouts, accurately measure and monitor your body composition, and see and analyze your progress.

Oh and FYI, I want to turn this thing into the premier app for us “serious” weightlifters and have a lot of additional development planned, so please do share any and all feedback.

Alrighty, that’s it for this round.

Thanks again for all of your support and talk soon!