There are a number of foods you can eat that may support your brain health.

Try these 25 nutrient-dense foods and you might just be surprised at how quickly you notice a difference in the way you feel.

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1. Apples

red apples

Choose from any varieties of apples you enjoy, but you may want to consider buying them organic since regular apples are high in pesticides linked to brain impairments and severe health conditions.

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2. Oatmeal


Oatmeal is rich in B vitamins, iron, protein, and magnesium which are all essential nutrients you need for optimal brain function. These assist with focus, blood flow to the brain, mood, and overall neurotransmitter support. And although oatmeal is well-known for its heart-healthy properties, the popular whole grain is also a valuable food to eat daily in order to improve longevity and brain health.

3. Berries

rasberries blueberries blackberries

Choose from a variety of berries when you go about adding them to your daily diet. Blackberries, blueberries, whole (unsweetened) cranberries, strawberries, and raspberries are all great sources of Vitamin C also helps reduce stress and reduce inflammation.

4. Ground Flax


Slightly nutty and sort of sweet, flaxseeds are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and trace minerals such as magnesium and manganese that you need for healthy brain function. In fact, the omega-3’s in flaxseeds, (which are known as ALA omega-3 fats), have even been shown to reduce oxidative stress linked to age-related memory loss and inflammation related to brain disorders.

Flax is also a great source of fiber that you need for healthy blood sugar levels and digestive health; just be sure to eat your flaxseeds ground versus whole so you’ll be able to digest the nutrients they contain.

5. Greens

green vegetables

Leafy greens are one of the most important and overlooked foods for improving your brain health because they’re packed with important nutrients that help improve blood flow to the brain including iron and B vitamins. The Vitamin C found in greens is also essential for reducing oxidative and physical stress.  !

6. Salmon

smoked salmon chopping board

First off, salmon is one of the best sources of lean protein, and it’s also rich in omega-3 fatty acids that you need for optimal brain support. Wild salmon is also a great source of magnesium, Vitamin D, calcium, B vitamins, and Vitamin E which.

Salmon is easy to include in your diet whether at breakfast, lunch, or dinner, but if you’re not into salmon, opt for halibut or tuna which are similar in their nutritional benefits.

7. Peanut Butter

home made

Plain peanut butter is rich in B vitamins, protein, magnesium, monounsaturated fats, fiber, iron, manganese, Vitamin E, and zinc that all support your brain health, heart health, and energy levels too.

8. Walnuts

great source

Walnuts are commonly linked to brain support because they’re high in omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, magnesium, and Vitamin E.

9. Sweet Potatoes

vitamin c

Sweet potatoes are a great source of Vitamin C, magnesium, Vitamin A, and antioxidants that may improve mood, memory, and stress-related issues.

10. Asparagus

green veg

Asparagus is a great source of amino acids needed for memory and function, and it’s a great source of folate needed for optimal brain support. It’s also a wonderful source of Vitamin B6. 

11. Eggs

vitamin D

Eggs are packed with brain-boosting nutrients such as Vitamin D, choline, protein, B vitamins, and Vitamin E. They’re also one of the best natural sources of Vitamin B12 which is essential to brain health and focus, not to mention overall health.

12. Avocado

avocado open

These healthy, fatty fruits are packed with nutrients that support your brain including Vitamin E, monounsaturated fats, oleic acid, Vitamin E, magnesium, Vitamin B5 and Vitamin B6, chlorophyll, and even protein too.

13. Sunflower Seeds or Sunflower Seed Butter

vitamin E

Sunflower seeds are a great source of Vitamin E. They’re also packed with minerals and B vitamins needed for brain function such as thiamin, manganese, iron, calcium, potassium, copper, zinc, folate, and even amino acids.

14. Pumpkin Seeds

packed with zinc

Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, iron, protein, magnesium, and omega-3 fats which all nourish the brain.

15. Olives

anti-inflammatory fats

Olives are a good source of Vitamin E as well as anti-inflammatory fats that nourish the brain and protect the heart.

16. Black Beans


Black beans are high in fiber, protein, and are a great source of magnesium and potassium.

17. Almonds or Almond Butter

vitamin B

Almonds are high in B vitamins, protein, magnesium, Vitamin E, zinc, copper, and iron.

18. Coconut

packed with vitamins

Coconut oil, coconut butter, coconut flour, or fresh coconut meat are all excellent choices when it comes to adding coconut to your diet. Coconut is a magnificent food because of its rich source of MCT fats that improve focus, energy levels, and may even help prevent neurotransmitter decline.

19. Carrots

vitamin C

Carrots are rich in a number of trace minerals including magnesium and potassium. Carrots are also loaded with Vitamin C and Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that converts to Vitamin A in the body and helps protect the immune system as well as the heart, brain, and the eyes.

20. Bananas


Bananas are a great source of magnesium and potassium, two minerals that reduce stress and high blood pressure.

21. Cashews

vitamin B6

Cashews are rich in the nutrients magnesium, potassium, Vitamin B6, several amino acids, and they are also a good source of iron.

22. Lentils

lentils red yellow brown

Lentils are a great source of iron, protein, zinc, fiber, and potassium.

Red lentils tend to be a little sweeter and nuttier than other varieties of lentils, and they’re also generally easier to digest. Enjoy them cooked in a stew or soup with some vegetables for a brain-boosting dinner that is also great for your heart!

23. Wild Rice


Wild rice is rich in magnesium and potassium.

24. Quinoa

bowls spoon grains quinoa

Quinoa is a well-known source of plant-based protein that is fantastic for your body. Its high in magnesium, manganese, potassium, and iron which is great for your energy levels as well as your muscle cells. Quinoa’s B vitamin and magnesium content, along with its protein content, make it one of the best grain-like seeds for you too.

25. Dark Chocolate

monounsaturated fats

Raw cacao and dark chocolate are some of the best sources of monounsaturated fats, iron, magnesium, and B vitamins such as chromium that you need.

What’s your take on foods for brain health? Have anything else you’d like to share? Let me know in the comments below!