If you dread the idea of dieting, I understand. Most diets feel more like punishment than self improvement.

Instead of educating you on how the metabolism truly works and giving you the tools you need to manage it effectively, most diet “gurus” resort to fearmongering and food restriction instead.

If you want to lose fat or build “lean muscle,” they say, you can kiss just about everything you like eating goodbye.

Grains…anything containing gluten or sugar…high-glycemic carbs…red meat…processed foods…fruit…dairy…caloric beverages…granola…it’s all gotta go. All your toys. Throw it all into the fire.


  • What if I told you that you could dramatically transform your body eating foods you actually like…every day…7 days per week?
  • What if all you had to do to build muscle and lose fat was follow a handful of flexible dietary guidelines…not starve and deprive yourself?
  • And what if I promised you could forever break free of the restrictions and anxieties most people associate with dieting and learn to love it instead?

Too good to be true, you think? Downright heresy?

I know. I used to think the same thing.

I now know the truth, though, and that’s what this infographic — and the “If It Fits Your Macros” or “IIFYM” diet is all about.

Click the image below to see a larger view:

How to Use the IIFYM Diet to Get the Body You Really Want

What’s your take on the IIFYM diet? Have anything else to share? Let me know in the comments below!

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