I give the marketers at Pepto-Bismol credit. They managed to turn uncomfortable topics such as upset stomachs and diarrhea into a funny little jingle that occasionally gets stuck in my head.
That commercial in particular makes light of something we all go through: digestive upsets.
But stomach issues shouldn’t be the norm, and if you’re having digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or even heartburn, it could be your diet.
At first, it may seem like you’re just more prone to having digestive issues than other people, as is the case with some medical conditions, but for most of us, it’s more a matter of changing our eating habits.
When you have poor digestion, your stomach isn’t the only part of your body that becomes negatively affected.
Here are some tips that may help you improve digestion.
- 1. Eat Your Food Slowly and Chew Completely
- 2. Consider Eating Smaller, More Frequent Meals
- 3. Eat Both Insoluble and Soluble Fiber
- 4. Up your Magnesium Intake
Table of Contents
+1. Eat Your Food Slowly and Chew Completely
You’re probably hearing your mother in the background as you read this, but I want to explain why it’s so important to chew your food slowly and completely.
Plus, if you chew your food too fast, you’re more likely to overeat since your brain cannot send out the signal that you’re full fast enough, which is a recipe for weight gain. This isn’t much of a problem with foods like veggies, which are hard to overeat in the first place, but more so with calorie dense foods.
2. Consider Eating Smaller, More Frequent Meals
If you’re currently eating extremely large meals, you may want to consider scaling back your intake to a level that’s easier for you to process.
3. Eat Both Insoluble and Soluble Fiber
It’s so important for us to get enough fiber each day because it helps with everything from controlling blood pressure levels to reducing our risks of developing serious diseases.
But when it comes to digestion, you’ll want to strike a balance between getting enough soluble and insoluble fiber.
Soluble fiber slows down our digestion, keeping us fuller longer, while insoluble fiber stays intact as it passes through our digestive tracts, providing bulk, and grabbing water from our intestines to help move waste material along.
You’ll find soluble fiber in foods like oats, beans, nuts, and certain fruits. Insoluble fiber comes from things like brown rice, whole wheat bread, and even in the edible skins of fruits.
By adding in more fiber rich foods, you’ll not only keep your digestive system moving, but you’ll also be keeping unhealthy food cravings out of the picture because you’ll feel too full after eating to graze or raid the cookie jar.
4. Up your Magnesium Intake
Magnesium helps improve stool consistency and draws water into the gut, helping with digestion.
Incorporate more magnesium rich foods into your small meals and you’ll be on your way to an improved digestion.