"I have more energy and confidence, and as a whole am a completely different person."
What has happened so far on the program?
This question is a little tricky for me. My journey has been long for sure.
I am including some before pictures from my heaviest weight as well. I weighed in at 235 pounds in 2008. I had been at this weight for about 2 years after gaining weight in college.
My initial weight loss was from 2008 to 2010 when I lost about 90 pounds by doing tons of cardio and severely restricting my calories. I basically ran my body into the ground, developed a binge eating disorder, and gained all the weight back. I was losing my hair, constantly tired, and sick.
I went to the doctor and he told me I had a low functioning thyroid and prescribed me thyroid medication. I decided not to take the medication and took natural approaches to healing my body, but I gained back up to about 185 pounds and stayed there until January 2014.
January 2014 was the start of my weightlifting journey. I wasted my time on random free bodybuilding.com programs until the beginning of 2015 when my husband convinced me to try Thinner Leaner Stronger.
My heaviest weight was 235 pounds and probably around 40% body fat.
Then I was 185 pounds and about 32% body fat.
I started Thinner Leaner Stronger at about 163 pounds and 26% body fat.
Currently I am about 148 pounds and 17% body fat.
My bench press went from 105 pounds to 155 pounds, my deadlift went from 145 pounds to 265 pounds, my squat went from 125 pounds to 205 pounds, and my military press went from 55 pounds to 115 pounds.
How many months’ progress do your pictures represent? What were your stats for each picture?
I had several cut and bulk cycles. Most recently, I have lost 37 pounds and 15% body fat.
What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?
I was afraid of getting bulky. I didn’t like the idea of taking so much rest between sets. I thought that in order to get the results I wanted, I needed high reps, short breaks, and super-sets.
What do you like most about the program?
Competition. I am and always have been an extremely competitive person.
I love the progressive overload approach because it allows you to compete in a healthy way–against yourself.
Let’s be honest, there will always be someone who can lift more than you or do more reps than you so having a competitive nature can be extremely detrimental to your mindset unless you find a healthy outlet. Every week I go to the gym and try to beat last week’s numbers.
It keeps me constantly on my toes and motivated.
How does this program compare with others you’ve tried?
This program is by far the most sustainable approach compared to anything else I have ever tried.
I have always been willing to give my everything in a program and that has had negative repercussions for me in the past. Sure I saw great results in 12 weeks, but I could never get past that initial transformation because I took an all-or-nothing approach.
Each time I ended a program, I would derail for several weeks and find myself back in the same place over and over. Since TLS is so sustainable, I find myself constantly improving and finally building the body I desire. I also find myself enjoying life and feeling energized and excited after my workouts instead of drained.
How has what you’ve achieved with your body changed other areas of your life?
Changing my body changed my life completely.
I went from having basically no ambition and no idea what I wanted to do to finally finding my purpose and my drive.
I have more energy, more confidence, and as a whole am a completely different person.
My biggest victory was finding balance. I have suffered from food addiction and my body was in a pretty much constant state of overtraining due to my all or nothing approach to life. I learned how to balance all of that into a healthy and happy lifestyle.
Who would you recommend this program to and why?
Anyone looking to find balance.
In the fitness world, specifically to those of us who spent most of our life obese, an all-or-nothing approach is the absolute enemy to happiness and well-being.
For success and happiness to go hand-in-hand, we have to have balance. We have to have enjoyment, but also discipline at the same time.
If all we do is indulge we will find ourselves with an empty wallet and expanding waistline. If all we do is work hard, we will find ourselves struggling in relationships and getting no enjoyment from life.
Find the balance. Work hard so you can play hard. Enjoy food in a healthy and productive way. Go to the gym but don’t destroy the rest of your day by overtraining. I truly believe that this book and this program instills a lifestyle that you can happily live with forever. It has been a life-changing experience for me.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
If you are overweight, hopeless, addicted to food, unmotivated, and depressed, I know how you feel. I have been there and I have felt exactly as you are feeling.
I know how hopeless it can seem and how long the journey looks. But now I also know the feeling of victory. I know how it feels to have hope, to be motivated and motivate others, to be happy, strong, and have a healthy relationship with food.
I know what it is like to look in the mirror and love what you see. Not because I have this great perfect body, but because I have a different mindset. Because I changed and grew and no longer put my worth in the scale or my body fat percentage or what size clothes I wear.
I learned balance. I learned to live a lifestyle that I enjoy and that makes me feel good. Right now, maybe your only goal is to lose weight and get healthy but I am here to tell you that you will achieve so many other great things in pursuit of that. I know I did!
Did you use any Legion supplements?
P.S. Want Jill to help you achieve your best body ever? Well, now you can through our one-on-one coaching program. If you want the right diet and training advice and encouragement from someone who’s “walked-the-walk,” then schedule a coaching call and so you can decide if you’d like to work with Jill.