"I’ve lost 10% body fat and feel much more confident!"
How many months’ progress do your pictures represent? What were your stats for each picture?
8 months progress from January to August of 2017.
Weight: 197 lbs before to 193 lbs in six months.
Body fat: 20-22% to around 11-12% body fat in my first six months.
What has happened so far on the program?
I’ve been cutting for 8 months now with the last two months on Mike’s custom meal plan. I plan on starting a reverse diet soon. I may have only lost around 4 pounds on the scale, but my transformation has been huge.
My waist went from a size 36 to a 33. Every week I lifted heavier weights and set new PR’s while being in a 22% calorie deficit, I couldn’t believe it!
My one-rep max progress is detailed below.
Squat: 290 lbs to 350 lbs
Bench press: 265 lbs to 325 lbs
Deadlift: 355 lbs to 425 lbs
Military press: 200 lbs to 230 lbs
I’m still making gains till this day.
What workout split from the book did you use?
The 5-day split.
What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?
I’ve always been skeptical of all the online programs I see advertised. It’s usually the same old stuff reworded a bit.
I have tried other programs that I’ve read online before and made some progress, but I never got the results I was truly after.
What do you like most about the program?
What I love about the Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger program is that it made me love going to the gym again. Having the first years worth of workouts laid out for you to follow is great.
It changes up every mesocycle, but still has you performing the big compound lifts with just enough assistance work for building muscle and losing fat. It takes all the guesswork out of your workouts. My results came much faster than I expected.
How does this program compare with others you’ve tried?
I have tried similar programs, but with Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger it has so much more variety, and it goes further than just workouts; it explains how to eat correctly for the body you want. Pairing the Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger workout with the recommended diet is what put this program over the top.
You can workout for years, but without the proper diet you will not achieve the look or the results you want. I chose to get the custom meal plan to get me started in the right direction. I got to eat all the foods I like and still fit them in my macros.
It keeps everything simple and routine. Nowadays, I have learned how to substitute foods in and out of my plan and stay in my target macronutrients. Meal prepping is fun for me now!
How has what you’ve achieved with your body changed other areas of your life?
Being fit makes me walk around a little different. I feel more confident walking into a room and interacting with people. I enjoy waking up in the morning to eat my breakfast and get ready for my workouts.
I actually have withdrawals on my off-days. I have tons of energy now which helps at the gym and in being able to play with the kids after a long day at work. Its pretty cool to have people come ask me for advice on diet and workouts now.
Who would you recommend this program to and why?
I would definitely recommend this program to anyone, male or female, that wants to change their body and life. As a matter of fact, when people come to me for advice I always steer them straight to muscleforlife.com!
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
One day my daughter came up to me and poked my stomach and said that it felt like slime. That really hit home with me. I went to take a shower and looked in the mirror and could not believe my body had gotten this out of shape.
I decided to do something about it. I was lucky to stumble across the Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger program online. Using the combination of the program, my custom meal plan, and The Shredded Chef cookbook has been one of the best decisions of my life. It makes everything so simple and enjoyable!
I walk past my daughters now and they talk about me having six pack abs. No more slime stomach for this guy.
Did you use any Legion supplements?
I used the fat burner PHOENIX. I really enjoyed the product. I think it gave me that little extra fat burning I needed to get to my goal faster.