
"I am definitely more confident with my body appearance!"

Roman's Progress

Progress Image Before
Progress Image 5 Months
Progress Image 7 Months
Progress Image 9 Months
Progress Image 10 Months
Progress Image 12 Months
Progress Image 72 Months
Progress Image After

How many months’ progress do your pictures represent? What were your stats for each picture?

From my first photo is on 2014 to now in 2020. I started at 162 lbs and 14% body fat percentage and initially in the first year cut down to 154 lbs and 5% body fat percentage. Six years later, I now weigh 160 lbs and 8% body fat percentage (in the new photos).

What has happened so far on the program?

I have been doing cutting and bulking cycles since I started in 2014. I try to do six month cycles. I initially cut from 162 to 154 in one year from 2014 to 2015. Since 2015 I’ve gained muscle and am now 160 lbs with 8% body fat percentage. I am much stronger and all my lifts have consistently improved and progressed.

What workout split from the book did you use?

5 day lifting split. Plus, I’m an avid runner and practice yoga.

What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?

Nothing kept me from buying the book or starting the program. I’ve owned exercise and training books since I was 13 years old, so I own a lot of them. I’ve tried many of these programs and been disappointed with some and satisfied with others.

After following several fitness blogs I landed on Mike’s website and read about how he had been going to the gym for years, was in good shape but not great-great shape, sort of always looking the same, without the awesome results that he was looking for.

I related immediately and decided to look into it, read his articles on Muscle for Life and noticed their research integrity. This led me to purchase the book, which I read in a weekend and started the program right away.

What do you like most about the program?

Six years in I still like how straight forward and honest the program is.

I would say that no program is easy because they all depend on a commitment to them. This program however is very simple to commit to. The results have been steady and are way beyond my expectations.

I thought that my body just couldn’t change, because of age and years going to the gym. I was completely wrong. I continue to be in the best shape of my life and cannot wait to continue and improve even more.

How does this program compare with others you’ve tried?

This program is very simple compared to others. This does not mean that it is too good to be true, just that it doesn’t have any hidden agendas, like most ones found in comparison.

The diet is similar to other science based programs but the difference is the workouts. The workouts are explained in terms of how they are effectively breaking down your muscles and how to ensure that it is rebuilt and that it grows accordingly. How not to over-train them and how to not waste time in the gym for years, which is what I did.

I am in and out of the gym in less than an hour, lift heavy with correct form and rest in between sets and I’m done. The proof is in the change my physical appearance-strength has undergone vs. the other guys that also go to the gym every morning, five days a week, and all look exactly the same way as they did when I started the program – that was also me…

How has what you’ve achieved with your body changed other areas of your life?

I am definitely more confident with my body appearance. I feel like I look “good”, even if that sounds egotistical, but it just feels good. I am more positive with my belief in being able to achieve the shape that I am in and specially being in my late 40’s.

I wish I had found this program earlier in life just to have not wasted so many years in the gym. Nevertheless, I am extremely sure that I have finally arrived at my last fitness program book purchase. I will continue following Mike’s work for the rest of my “exercise” lifetime.

Who would you recommend this program to and why?

I would absolutely recommend this program to everyone because it is science based and honest.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

I tell everybody, men and women, buy these books. Read all the articles on the website. Read all the forum posts on the website. They answer 99% of all questions you’ve ever had about fitness and doubts you may have. All are answered honestly and consistently. They are your greatest tools. If you can’t find it in the website, one can reach out to Mike and he will help in the most sincere, no hidden agenda way.

For me, this is truly the best program in the fitness world. Once you use all these then it is dependent on you to follow the workouts and the diet correctly. This is the largest challenge in any exercise program, to actually stick to it accurately and to commit. Most importantly to wholeheartedly not cheat yourself.

Did you use any Legion supplements?

I’ve used and love Pulse, Whey+, Triumph, Forge, Plant+, Recharge, Genesis.

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