
"I always had problems with my belly fat and this program was the first time I've actually lost it!"

Timon's Progress

Progress Image Before
Progress Image 2 Months

What has happened so far on the program?

I started in beginning of June with 83.8 kg and a body fat of 18,7%. The after picture was taken 8 Weeks later with 77.5 KG and a bf of 13,3%. My start weights were as follows:

Squat: 70 kg
Deadlift: 70 kg
Military Press: 20 kg
Bench Press: 60 kg

After 2 weeks of the Bigger Leaner Stronger program I felt safe enough to raise the weights. After that point I could consistently raise the weights. Now, I do the following weights:

Squat: 95 kg
Deadlift: 100 kg
Military Press: 50 kg
Bench Press: 85 kg

Sadly I currently have an injury in my right ankle from a soccer game and have to skip deadlifts and squats for 6 weeks.

What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?

I’ve tried many other programs with fancy names. The last one I tried before was the “slow carb diet.” Instead of losing weight, I gained a lot of fat. I’ve read about BLS in a Facebook group of German bodybuilders and bought it on Amazon. First I was doubtful about the workout-program. I thought it would never be enough to do three different exercises per muscle group and finish my workout after 45-60 minutes.

What do you like most about the program?

The biggest thing I like is the diet. I’ve noticed that I ate way to little vegetables and fruits and way to many bad fats. The first week I did the diet and workout plan I felt really hungry and weak. But I saw the results and that kept me going. After 2 weeks I felt my strength was rising and I wasn’t during the whole day. I think this comes from the amount of micros in the diet. Especially the process of losing fat was way faster than I expected. I always had
problems with my belly fat and the BLS program was the first time I’ve actually lost it!

How does this program compare with others you’ve tried?

As I mentioned before I love the diet. I feel strong and healthy. I haven’t been ill since I started the program! And the best thing, the diet is still working! Most programs I’ve tried worked well the first few weeks, but the process stagnates. With the BLS diet I can hold my weight and don’t miss anything. The workout doesn’t make me feel tired after finishing. This is great because I can actually do something productive after my workout. Also the little amount of time spent in the gym is great.

How has what you’ve achieved with your body changed other areas of your life?

Yes! I have more energy in anything I do. I am a student of computer science and now I can learn 2-3 hours at a time without getting tired or depressed. I’ve started to play soccer because I can now run about 2 hours without nearly dying ;-). Soccer is now a big part of my life. It’s so much fun and I’m really happy that I can now enjoy this sport with the body I have achieved.

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