
"I've managed to gain so much more definition and muscle than I ever have."

Alixia's Progress

Progress Image Before
Progress Image 1.5 Years
Progress Image 2 Years
Progress Image 2 Years
Progress Image 2 Years
Progress Image 2 Years

What has happened so far on the program?

The program was so awesome for me I managed to go from 105lbs at 16% body fat to 127lbs at 11% body fat. I’ve noticed some huge differences in my muscular tone and size in a good way. I have way more definition and I am much leaner and fitter than I have ever been. Not to mention, I am the strongest I’ve ever been and that is such a rewarding confidence booster!

Having a structured layout with the primary focus on compound heavy lifts was amazing, it also made working out more fun because I was excited to see how much more I could lift over the course of the weeks.

Being a small girl and lifting those heavy dumbbells/barbells felt amazing. Gives a great sense of confidence I think every woman should experience. Most women are afraid to bulk from lifting heavy weights, but I found that I look curvier and feel so much better in my skin.

What, if anything, almost kept you from buying the book or starting the program?

Nothing was stopping me from buying the book, I had followed and read all his great articles and knew that Mike knew what he was talking about. I then heard him on a podcast and immediately went to buy the book.

What do you like most about the program?

What I like most about the program is looking forward to lifting weights. Women tend to steer away from that so it’s great to show them that woman should be doing them also. Scoot over guys, we need to bench press too.

The program is also great because it teaches people how to eat properly as well as train correctly. I am a certified trainer, so I loved everything Mike broke down in the book from doing heavy compound lifts to how many calories and macros one should be eating. It’s exactly how I teach my clients to eat and lift.

How does this program compare with others you’ve tried?

I haven’t tried very many other programs but I see a lot of high volume, low weight bodybuilder type programs out there which don’t end up changing the body as fast. I also don’t like the look those workouts give you.

Strength based lifts really brings out your natural genetics and from there you can add isolation type exercises to manipulate the body a little more.

How has what you’ve achieved with your body changed other areas of your life?

Confidence for sure. I’ve been told I walk around like I own the gym but it’s just because I am strong and confident and in my zone. It feels great to lift those heavy plates with ease and spot my male clients with no problem. It’s also awesome to demonstrate a lift with the same weight as them!

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Just thank you so much, I’ve never seen my body change this much and am looking forward to competing in my first bikini bodybuilding show this year! I am always learning and am super appreciative for all the awesome information you’ve provided.

I highly recommend this program! HIGHLY. Especially for women. Lifting for strength and following this program will change your life. It showed me that following a structured program is key for results over time and just makes going to the gym that much easier.

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