Many people don’t understand what plant-based diets are, what they’re all about, and how easy to go about incorporating them into a daily routine.

For example, we all know we should eat more fruits and vegetables, but beyond that, people tend to become confused about how to simplify plant-based nutrition.

What Is a Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet?

what is a plant based diet


You probably know that eating a whole foods plant-based diets means that you’ll be eating more plants, but beyond that maybe you’re confused.

How much? Will you be living off fruits and vegetables alone? Do you have to eat fake meat?

Don’t worry, it’s much easier than you think to eat a whole foods plant-based diet and can make eating and living so simple!

The basic foods that are included in a whole foods plant-based diet are:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Leafy Greens
  • Whole Grains
  • Legumes (Beans, Peas, Lentils)
  • Nuts and Seeds (and their butters)

“Plant-based” doesn’t mean you don’t eat any animal products, it just means you ensure you have a high intake of fruits and vegetables.

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How to Build a Plant-Based Plate

how to bulid

The way to build a plant-based plate is to split your plate up into 4 servings of:

  1. Fruit (1 serving)
  2. Leafy greens and Vegetables (2)
  3. Legumes (1 serving) or Nuts and Seeds (1 ounce serving)
  4. Whole Grains (1 serving)

Then you can add a more dense source of protein, like chicken or fish.

From there, you can build out your meals into multiple ways. For instance, you could make a soup with whole grains, legumes, and some veggies and have some fruit for dessert.

Make a salad with the ingredients, make a cooked entrée with the fruit for dessert, or take that same ratio and turn it into a smoothie by using a banana or some berries with some spinach, sprouted plant-based protein made of legumes and grains, and add your favorite spices.

Or, if you’re not in the mood for legumes, have some oatmeal with berries and flax seeds or almonds and raisins. It’s much easier than you think!

Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet Resources and Tips

online tips

  • There are endless resources online and in health stores that you can take advantage of to learn more about plant-based nutrition.
  • Here’s a free shopping list that you can even print out to take to the store with you to make shopping a little easier, and there are multiple websites dedicated to sharing free plant-based recipes.
  • You can also check out multiple websites online dedicated to sharing medical and health information on plant-based nutrition and even find out science-based information from websites such as and

Staying motivated and informed about the benefits of a whole foods diet will go a long way.

What’s your take on whole foods diets? Have anything else you’d like to share? Let me know in the comments below!